Breaking through the Mental Noise

A red - yellow orb is exploding into blue - green structured patterns

Letting  go of the constant stream of media hype, disturbing news, collective anxiety and personal concerns is not always easy. 

Do you find yourself endlessly churning issues through your mind, trying to understand and find solutions, or just plain worrying? It is important to stay aware and problem solve, but often we are just repeating the same loops over and over, until our minds get exhausted, or we find a way to numb ourselves. 

Meditation is an opportunity to reset. Let go. Come back to yourself in the spaciousness of inner silence. 

During this tumultuous time it is more important than ever to be able to quiet our minds. Focusing on the third eye helps to internalize consciousness, which brings mental clarity and emotional relief. 

When I start my day in the stillness of meditation, I find it is so much easier to focus on what is most important to me. Tasks that make a difference stand out. Solutions arise from inner clarity. I am able to hold the unsolvable things from a place of deeper compassion. 

In May we will be offering the Awakening the Third Eye Meditation Workshop in Portland again. It is a weekend course to learn this very effective method, practice building energy awareness and more. 

If you are curious, please come to my free talk. Bring a friend. Begin your journey inward.

Free talk on the Third Eye Meditation and Inner Space Techniques

Breaking through the Mental Noise

Quiet the busy mind, Resolve outdated patterns and Awaken inner vision

February 11, 6 – 7:15

at Natural Pain Solutions

3007 NE Emerson St. Portland, Oregon

The techniques offered in Awakening the Third Eye Meditation workshop have been specifically designed for the modern mind. Simple practices with profound impact. IST – the Inner Space Techniques – are a guided, personal journey to your center to resolve blocks from the past.


painting: gouache by Catherine Klebl
