Getting in touch with what you really want, beyond conditioning and reactions

How does conditioning keep us from what we want?
Often simply by making us believe that we can’t have it, don’t deserve it or shouldn’t ask for it. This is probably not news to you. But how do you break out of this conditioning?

There are many ways out there from positive thinking to just do it, but often they are not enough to get to the source of the belief, and the old patterns continue to repeat themselves. I have found the interactive sourcing of the Inner Space Techniques to be an incredible way of digging down through layers of conditioning to find my own truth, desires and playfulness.

I love helping people to access what is hidden in their subconscious. The moments when someone perceives something about themselves or their life that they never saw before, or had not been able to remember from early child hood. Holding space for them while they feel big emotions and find their way back to their innocence and joy.

In this free talk I will share experiences and shifts I have observed in myself and others, describe the flow of an IST session and answer questions people have about the process.

Anyone who attends this talk will get $20 off their first IST session.

Email me to register –

Topic: The Inner Space Technique – getting in touch with what you really want
Time: May 10, 2024 05:30 – 6:10 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)